
The beginning of something awesome! (Maybe)

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Einstein's chaos theory

This is the first post from the other guy in this great cartooning battle.

A note on this: The chaos theory (concept made famous by Albert Einstein) is basically explained as follows. If some event is to happen an infinite amount of times, then any outcome is possible at least one of those times. (i.e. If you could punch a lama in the face an infinite amount of times, then it is entirely possible, that one of the times you punch it, it won't give you sad lama eyes... it might turn into a pink army tank instead.)
Seriously, it's a scientific concept. Look it up!

@Nemisis/Opponent/OtherOtherGuy: Suck my first post! (Yeah, it needs quite a bit of cleaning up. but technically, I am supposed to be working, not having fun.)

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